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Social Marketing

Monthly Archives: April, 2021

Loyalty Program Models

In the article regarding loyalty programs, both the definition and the different loyalty models found on the market appear. This publication reviews different models that can be used for study or inspiration when considering creating one of these programs.

The right partner for the subscription model

In situations of uncertainty, as progress toward a more stable state occurs, business leaders need to act not only quickly, but also courageously. Studies of business trends have always noted that "companies that made substantial changes did better coming out of recessions than those that didn't."

The analysis of the digital roadmap

The customer's path to purchase or the journey from website access to conversion is one of the key metrics for online analytics experts. Understanding this journey helps identify which processes lead to action. This knowledge is essential to optimize campaigns and improve the experience.

The new reality of the fashion sector after the pandemic

The years 2020 and 2021 are assuming one of the greatest challenges for the fashion sector in its entire history. The industry must adapt to new measures, changing market demands and an economic crisis that will affect its revenue and growth prospects.

Position the brand in search engines using social networks

The communication and marketing departments maintain and defend the presence of the brand online, and of course in search engines. For this, they always apply the best practices that have an impact on search engine optimization (SEO, Search engine optimization).

Build the use case of the Subscription Model

To convince outside investors or the board of directors that subscription trading is the way forward, you need to be convincing and clear on why the company should adopt the new commercial through a strong business case.

HiPPO (Highest Paid Person's Opinion)

HiPPO, the acronym for Highest Paid Person's Opinion, is the manager who shows up on a project at the last minute and offers a personal opinion, all available data aside, about what to include to make the project a success.

Data Driven Organization

Knowledge-driven entities use proprietary, public and external data to improve the efficiency of their operations and drive innovation.

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