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Anthropic researchers erode AI ethics with repeated questions

There are many such jailbreaking techniques, and Anthropic researchers just found a new one, where a large language model can be convinced to tell you how to build a bomb if you first prepare it with a few dozen of less harmful questions.

Anthropic claims its new AI chatbots outperform GPT-4

AI startup Anthropic, backed by Google and hundreds of millions in venture capital (and perhaps soon hundreds of millions more), announced the latest version of its GenAI technology, Claude. And the company claims that it surpasses OpenAI's chatbot, GPT-4, in terms of performance.

Best Practices for Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in 2023

This year will be remembered as the year artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) finally took flight, delivering consumer-centric products that wowed millions of people. Generative AI, including DALL E and ChatGPT, showed what many people already knew: AI and ML will transform the way we connect and communicate, especially online.



Strategy on Intellectual Property for startups

Intellectual property can be a powerful weapon for a startup. It can protect you from competitors using your technology and can dramatically improve your company's value.








Keychron hits the mark with its Q10 Alice keyboard

the company now offers keyboards for all budgets and with practically all layouts, from the 9% Q40 to the 6% Q100, passing through all intermediate models. And while the Q line gets a lot of press, the more affordable and pre-built K and V lines target the non-hobbyist market.

LexisNexis adopts generative AI for legal writing and research

LexisNexis, a legal software company that offers tools to help lawyers find the right case law to present their legal arguments.

Unique, customer service platform based on artificial intelligence

nique, a video calling platform that uses artificial intelligence to make it easy for sales teams to improve their presentations.

HSBC: Six new roles in Banking

The HSBC report identifies the six new roles needed for the new bank. While artificial intelligence has been touted as the new...

Principles for handling data in Kubernetes

Kubernetes has become an industry standard, with up to 94% of organizations deploying their services and applications on the container orchestration platform, according to surveys. One of the key reasons companies implement Kubernetes is for standardization, which allows power users to see double the productivity benefits.

Moovit users can now track transit vehicles on the map in real time

The Israeli urban trip planning app Moovit introduced a new feature that allows users to follow the movements of a transit line along the map in real time. The new feature, in addition to Moovit's real-time arrival countdown, brings a new level of precision and certainty to user journeys, the company says.

IT budgets will increase in 2024, but it will be difficult for startups

Most of us would agree that 2023 was a challenging time to be a startup. There were many layoffs as companies struggled to transition from growth to profitability. Meanwhile, sales cycles were longer and many startups were struggling to grow at a decent pace.

big tech

Understanding humanoid robots

The robots made their debut the day after New Year's Day in 1921, a half-century before the world got its first glimpse of George Lucas's droids.

UK antitrust authority warns of Big Tech control over GenAI

The UK's competition watchdog, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), has issued a warning about Big Tech's entrenched grip on the advanced AI market, according to chief executive Sarah Cardell, saying " real concerns” about how the sector is developing.

Robinhood credit card wants to compete with Apple Card

Eight months after acquiring the startup X1 for $95 million, Robinhood announced the launch of its new Gold Card, with a list of features that might even make Apple Card users envious.

Adobe Firefly has more than 20 generative and creative APIs for developers

Adobe, through Firefly, has a set of more than 20 new APIs for generative and creative tools and services.

Adobe is also working on generative video

Adobe says it is building an artificial intelligence model to generate videos. But it doesn't reveal when exactly this model will be released, or much about it, just the "fact" that it exists.

Meta presents its new custom AI chip

Meta, bent on catching up to its rivals in the generative AI space, is spending billions on the effort. A portion of those billions goes toward recruiting AI researchers. But an even bigger chunk is being spent on hardware development, specifically chips to run and train Meta's AI models.

banking and insurance


    Transformation Challenges

    Digital Transformation has many challenges to face in organizations. The reality is that the biggest brakes are found within them.

    OKR Model

    Framework for setting goals used by individuals and teams. What sets them apart is that it offers the opportunity to set ambitious and challenging goals.

    Subscription Economy

    Digital companies push the subscription model as their main revenue lever. What are your keys? How to transform the business?

    Creation of a Strategic Plan

    The strategy creates a common understanding of what you want to achieve and what is needed. The distance of suction to specific projects and daily tasks is shortened.

    Digital Transformation: Plan

    The Transformation has three key aspects: led from the management, it affects all people and that survival depends on it.

    How to present a Startup to Investors

    Presenting a project for a new business model is not an easy task. The founders tend to make a document that may have different aspects to improve.

    Introduction to Blockchain

    Blockchain technology allows the history of any digital asset to be unalterable and transparent through the use of decentralization and a cryptographic hash.

    AI: summary of main concepts

    AI is appearing in seemingly every aspect of modern life, from music and media to business and productivity, even in personal relationships. There's so much going on that it can be hard to keep up, so here's a brief overview of concepts, from the latest big developments to the terms and companies you need to know to stay current in this fast-changing field.

    Data Driven Organization

    Knowledge-driven entities use proprietary, public and external data to improve the efficiency of their operations and drive innovation.

    The Brand in the digital environment

    A new company an already established company must face revisiting basic concepts associated with the brand to the new digital principles.

    Publish on

    If you have an interesting story about transformation, IT, digital, etc. that can be found on, please send it to us and we will share it with the entire Community.


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