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Social Marketing

AI: summary of main concepts

AI is entering every aspect of modern life. They have so many angles that it can be difficult to keep up.

How to present a Startup to Investors

Presenting a project for a new business model is not an easy task. The founders tend to make a document that may have different aspects to improve.

Creation of a Strategic Plan

The strategy creates a common understanding of what you want to achieve and what is needed. The distance of suction to specific projects and daily tasks is shortened.

Subscription Economy

Digital companies push the subscription model as their main revenue lever. What are your keys? How to transform the business?

Introduction to Blockchain

Blockchain technology allows the history of any digital asset to be unalterable and transparent through the use of decentralization and a cryptographic hash.

The chronology you need to know about the AI ​​Chatbot

ChatGPT, OpenAI's text-generating AI chatbot, has taken the world by storm. It is capable of writing essays and code, among other applications, with short text prompts, increasing productivity.

The Brand in the digital environment

A new company an already established company must face revisiting basic concepts associated with the brand to the new digital principles.

DevOps methodology

DevOps combines practices and tools that increase an organization's ability to deliver applications faster than traditional ones.

Innovation Model

What are the elements of a good innovation model? What features should it have? How to run it? How does it coexist with the standard business model? ...

OKR Model

Framework for setting goals used by individuals and teams. What sets them apart is that it offers the opportunity to set ambitious and challenging goals.

Data Driven Organization

Knowledge-driven entities use proprietary, public and external data to improve the efficiency of their operations and drive innovation.

Transformation Challenges

Digital Transformation has many challenges to face in organizations. The reality is that the biggest brakes are found within them.
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