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Monthly Archives: May, 2021

Seagull – The manager “Seagull”

Seagull managers only interact with employees when there is a fire to put out. So they rush in and out of the situation, and pay so little attention to their approach, that they make bad situations worse by frustrating and alienating those who need them most.

Technological Impulses to Transformation (2 of 2)

Technology managers with high availability requirements in computing resources are relying on the use of the shared cloud as their main strategy. This implies the distribution of workloads in specialized external providers with the new associated management model.

Technological Impulses to Transformation (1 of 2)

Digital transformation has become an umbrella term for reinventing business in the digital age: it can refer to any process that uses digital technologies to solve changing market and business requirements.

Expand the mission of the Minimum Viable Product

Lean and agile methodologies are adopted as the main approach for product development, they are still too disruptive, especially for large organizations on large projects.

RHiNO (Really High-value New Opportunity)

In product management, especially those oriented to business (B2B), there is a profile that appears at any time without prior notice: the RHiNO, or , a new really high-value opportunity (Really High-value New Opportunity).

Introduction to Blockchain

Blockchain technology allows the history of any digital asset to be unalterable and transparent through the use of decentralization and a cryptographic hash.

What is Blockchain

Blockchain, sometimes referred to as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), allows the history of any digital asset to be unalterable and transparent through the use of decentralization and a cryptographic hash.

Milestones in the history of Blockchain

Although blockchain is a relatively new technology, it already has a long and interesting history. The following is a brief timeline of some of the most important and notable events in the development of the blockchain.

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