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UpCodes Launches Copilot, an AI-Based Research Assistant for Building Codes

UpCodes has been making the complicated world of building codes easier for building professionals and homeowners to understand for over seven years. Its platform includes a searchable database of regulations for all states and functions as well as a "spell checker" that flags code errors.

Infermedica: AI-based medical guidance

Artificial Intelligence for symptom analysis and patient classification.

Adobe is also working on generative video

Adobe says it is building an artificial intelligence model to generate videos. But it doesn't reveal when exactly this model will be released, or much about it, just the "fact" that it exists.



Book: High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove

High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove, former Intel Chairman and CEO, describes how to build and lead successful companies and teams from a management and leadership perspective.








Investors sound the alarm about potential private equity tech deals

Investors in software company Coupa are sounding the alarm about a possible private equity sale, concerned that any such transaction in the current investment environment could unreasonably limit its value.

Future job priorities

ID-19 marks a completely different future in terms of working life. However, forces like digitization have been disrupting the workforce long before the pandemic.

The mishandled data breaches of 2022 (I)

Data breaches can be very damaging to organizations of all types and sizes, but it is how these companies react to the incident that can deal the final blow. While we saw some great examples of how companies should respond to data breaches last year – kudos to the Red Cross and Amnesty for their transparency – 2022 has been a year of lessons on how not to respond to a data breach.

Vektor Partners raises a new €125 million fund to specifically focus on sustainable mobility

Some estimates put the future mobility market at $178.7 billion by 2026, up from $78.1 billion two years ago. Over the past decade, $400 billion worth of investments have been made in the sector and $100 billion invested since 2020. But most VC funds are not specialists in this area. Thus, space has opened up to look specifically at electric powertrains, batteries, and broader electric and fuel cell solutions for mobility.

Florida Takes Fight Over Controversial Social Media Law To Supreme Court

After an appeals court struck down key parts of a state law designed to prevent social media companies from freely making content moderation decisions, Florida wants the Supreme Court to weigh in.

Pay attention to the hidden costs of AI to avoid ruining innovation

As key in the field of digital innovation, artificial intelligence holds the future of all forward-thinking companies. But while AI and generative AI pave the way for opportunities, they carry financial sustainability risks that can threaten the lasting use of these technologies.

7 ways to prepare for growth

Scalability is the growth capacity of a company. Or, to put it more precisely, a scalable company can adapt to different...

big tech

Understanding humanoid robots

The robots made their debut the day after New Year's Day in 1921, a half-century before the world got its first glimpse of George Lucas's droids.

UK antitrust authority warns of Big Tech control over GenAI

The UK's competition watchdog, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), has issued a warning about Big Tech's entrenched grip on the advanced AI market, according to chief executive Sarah Cardell, saying " real concerns” about how the sector is developing.

Robinhood credit card wants to compete with Apple Card

Eight months after acquiring the startup X1 for $95 million, Robinhood announced the launch of its new Gold Card, with a list of features that might even make Apple Card users envious.

Adobe Firefly has more than 20 generative and creative APIs for developers

Adobe, through Firefly, has a set of more than 20 new APIs for generative and creative tools and services.

Adobe is also working on generative video

Adobe says it is building an artificial intelligence model to generate videos. But it doesn't reveal when exactly this model will be released, or much about it, just the "fact" that it exists.

Meta presents its new custom AI chip

Meta, bent on catching up to its rivals in the generative AI space, is spending billions on the effort. A portion of those billions goes toward recruiting AI researchers. But an even bigger chunk is being spent on hardware development, specifically chips to run and train Meta's AI models.

banking and insurance


    Transformation Challenges

    Digital Transformation has many challenges to face in organizations. The reality is that the biggest brakes are found within them.

    Digital Transformation: Plan

    The Transformation has three key aspects: led from the management, it affects all people and that survival depends on it.

    The chronology you need to know about the AI ​​Chatbot

    ChatGPT, OpenAI's text-generating AI chatbot, has taken the world by storm. It is capable of writing essays and code, among other applications, with short text prompts, increasing productivity.

    Data Driven Organization

    Knowledge-driven entities use proprietary, public and external data to improve the efficiency of their operations and drive innovation.

    How to present a Startup to Investors

    Presenting a project for a new business model is not an easy task. The founders tend to make a document that may have different aspects to improve.

    The Brand in the digital environment

    A new company an already established company must face revisiting basic concepts associated with the brand to the new digital principles.

    AI: summary of main concepts

    AI is appearing in seemingly every aspect of modern life, from music and media to business and productivity, even in personal relationships. There's so much going on that it can be hard to keep up, so here's a brief overview of concepts, from the latest big developments to the terms and companies you need to know to stay current in this fast-changing field.

    Creation of a Strategic Plan

    The strategy creates a common understanding of what you want to achieve and what is needed. The distance of suction to specific projects and daily tasks is shortened.

    OKR Model

    Framework for setting goals used by individuals and teams. What sets them apart is that it offers the opportunity to set ambitious and challenging goals.

    DevOps methodology

    DevOps combines practices and tools that increase an organization's ability to deliver applications faster than traditional ones.

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    If you have an interesting story about transformation, IT, digital, etc. that can be found on, please send it to us and we will share it with the entire Community.


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