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Monthly Archives: January, 2019

Innovation: how to shield talent

Companies that do not promote R&D&i lose growth capacity and even put their survival at risk. Spain will suffer a significant talent deficit in 2020. And if retaining the most qualified employees...

The bank of the future: 7 concepts

Banking is possibly one of the sectors, if not the least, that has been transformed in the last 150 years. Someone can consider that this transformation has existed due to the appearance in...

The income statement of the New Business Models

When a company is introduced in a real way in new business models, it usually ignores the income statement, leveraging itself on the image and without taking advantage of the opportunity to develop new models...

API: the Business within the Business

The Internet has gone from being a service to a platform for doing business. An important facilitator of this acceleration of that approach is the concept of API (Application Programming Interface). The technological approach is essential,...

Transformation vs Evolution

A transformation produces a profound change in companies. It makes them rethink their revenue model, their business model, their structure, and so on. From a successfully executed transformation process, a new company emerges, evolved and prepared to compete on a new playing field with actors that are governed under different premises from the traditional ones.

Internal challenges to the Transformation

Within organizations with a firm will to transform, there are many impediments that can weaken this will even before starting to develop an initiative.

How to evaluate a new technology

Cada día aparecen nuevos términos, ya sea como nuevos estándares de la industria, ya sean como tecnologías concretas, o simplemente tendencias. Estos términos tienen todos una base tecnológica profunda que nos vemos obligados a...

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