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HomeGeneralSocial MediaTwitter, Inc. is now X Corp

Twitter, Inc. is now X Corp

Twitter, Inc. is now called X Corp, according to a court file in California.

Since Twitter is no longer a public company, it doesn't have to report updates like name changes to the SEC. But in any case, the new name was seen in an April 4 document relating to far-right activist Laura Loomer about her judicial claim against Twitter and Facebook.

"Twitter, Inc. merged with X Corp. and no longer exists," the document says.

Elon Musk, who bought Twitter for $44 billion last year, has aspired to build what he calls “X, the application of everything.” This proposed app might resemble China's WeChat, which supports messaging, payments, ride-sharing, food delivery, and other services all in one app. Musk has applauded WeChat for its convenience and usefulness, but its unique domain might be impossible to replicate outside of China. The name also goes back to, Musk's financial services startup that became PayPal.

This move could be seen as the next step for Musk to build his super app, but the mogul doesn't have a great track record of following through on his plans. However, the name change is unprecedented. As Tesla CEO, Musk has shown that vertical integration is a key part of his playbook, just pay attention to how many subsidiaries has the car company.

For now, Twitter is riddled with enough bugs to keep its engineer base busy, while Twitter Blue's renewed subscription isn't generating the revenue it needs. Even if Twitter is now part of X Corp, the proposed X app seems a long way off.


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