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HomeDigitalStrategySteps in the Integration of the OKR Model (3 of 3)

Steps in the Integration of the OKR Model (3 of 3)

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Quick guide for the implementation of the OKR model

Once the basic concepts are understood, the next step is the implementation of the model. The first decision to make is to decide which team or teams need to use the OKRs.

Pilot team structure

It involves focusing on one team first before expanding it to include the rest. That way you get a controlled sample of what the OKR levels will look like in your team and gain the experience you need to use the results to build OKRs for the rest of the organization.

team leader structure

This means setting OKRs for Team Leaders only. In this way, alignment problems with the general objectives of the company can be tested and solved. Team-level (tactical) OKRs can also be connected to strategic (general) company OKRs.

The advantage of this approach is that it can drive a massive change in mindset and thus produce great results for organizations. Once this stage of onboarding to the model, goals, and culture is done correctly, the rest of the people can onboard, see how it works, and adopt a more goal-oriented approach.

complete structure

This phase is one of the most difficult to implement. The reason it can be overwhelming is that everyone needs to be added to the OKR model. However, it is proven by the leaders (Intel, Google, Netflix, Amazon, etc.) that it is necessary for companies with flat hierarchies and even small and medium-sized companies.

A typical OKR takes two to three quarters before its impact begins to manifest itself in the organization. The sooner it is implemented at the level of the entire structure of the company and aligned with the OKRs, the faster the results will be obtained.

First fortnight before starting

Before getting started with OKRs, there are some internal tasks that need to be completed.

Define quarterly goals at the company level

The first phase involves first defining what constitutes quarterly goals at the company level. These objectives refer to the goals that your company wants to achieve in an interval of one quarter.

You can also decide on other long-term goals and set annual goals. However, they must be connected to the quarterly goals.

Focus on a few high-level goals

When starting implementation it is key to focus on setting just a few high-level goals. The recommended maximum number of targets is three.

Setting some high-level goals will make goal setting more realistic. Having a large number defeats the purpose. A process of enrichment and understanding is to contrast and discuss the selected high-level objectives with managers and team leaders.

At the team level, the same process is repeated. Team leaders and their members interact with important team goals, ensuring that agreed goals are aligned with company goals.

Key Results. not homework

It's easy to confuse tasks with key results. A model based on OKR does not require tasks, it only needs the Objectives and the Key Results.

The difference between task and Key Result is that the task reflects actions, while the key result shows the consequence, the result, the final data.

As an example: you plan to produce an event. There are many things that need to be done to make the event a success: renting the room, hiring catering, inviting an entertainer and other logistical calculations. All of the above are homework.

The Key Results for our objective (to produce a successful event), could be the following:

  • Get 1.000 guests
  • Appearance on local news channels.
  • Add 500 new subscribers to the Event Planning YouTube channel.

weekly reviews

The entire organization and teams carry out weekly check-ins to assess performance towards achieving the OKR. A consistent process of tracking progress is key to ensuring success.

If monitoring is done quarterly to check on the team's progress, there is little room for corrections and readjustments. It must be a continuous evaluation process that does not end until the objective is achieved.

Plus, weekly check-ins keep people on their toes for peak performance. When this option is not available, your performance may decline in the absence of such ongoing assessment.

Monthly meetings

In addition to the weekly controls, a monthly meeting between the managers or team leaders involved allows the problems facing the OKR to be identified and solutions to be proposed.

quarterly reviews

Organizations review the achievement of OKRs quarterly. In order for these revisions to be as efficient as possible, the monitoring of the progress made at all levels is prepared before the end of the quarter. Ideally, a week or two before the term ends. In the quarterly meetings, compliance is reviewed and the planning of the next one begins.

Who should set OKRs

When deciding to implement OKRs in an organization, one of the first questions that arise is who should set the OKRs. Should it be the executive, the team leaders or the employees?

The answer is that anyone with oversight power can set OKRs. Organizations have two main types of OKR: strategic and tactical.

The strategic OKR is usually set by the company's senior leadership, with appropriate consultation from the various company teams. Tacticians are established by team leaders and align with OKR's strategic set.

Metrics in the OKR definition

The OKR should be measurable enough to be achievable, but not so data-driven that it begins to resemble a KPI. While adding numbers to the OKR key results is recommended, it should be kept simple so that everyone in the organization can easily understand it.

An OKR that cannot be quantified is vague and degenerates into mere wishful thinking. Although an OKR does not require as much data as a KPI, it should reflect a measurable amount that your users can use to measure performance.

Lever for Transformation in a Data Driven Organization

OKRs help today's companies shape the way they set goals and improve their team's performance. In today's changing world, it's important to become a data-driven organization that understands, interprets, and applies data interpretation decisions.

The OKR model is a collaborative tool that unites everyone to achieve the established goals. The advantage of OKR over KPI is that it is easy to learn and configure.

The idea of ​​a quarterly time frame and weekly check-ins keeps the organization ensuring that it doesn't lose focus on the stated objective.

Setting your OKR is only half the requirement to make your business more data-driven. They must also be aggressively monitored. OKRs are ambitious and aggressive goals. It's okay to not reach 100% of the goal, but make sure you don't drop below the 70% achievement rate.

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