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Monthly Archives: December, 2021

SAVIA: a MAPFRE initiative in the world of digital health

The Salud Savia project started in 2017 with 3 premises: use existing products to set up a first-line service, be in the cloud and rely on data to make decisions.

Lifen raises 50 million to digitize the health industry

The startup is focused on digital infrastructure for the healthcare industry, starting with medical reporting. More than 600 health centers use your product to send and receive medical documents.

Leaders in Ecommerce 2020

The United States is the second largest e-commerce market in the world, with a total revenue of 537.700 billion dollars in 2020. It is far ahead of Japan. , the number three...

Uber's dominance in ride sharing

Uber initially attracted independent drivers (the supply) to its platform by offering a guaranteed source of customers. For drivers without a centralized request capture system, it could be difficult to find customers and required them to be idle near hotels and airports in order to capture demand.

Book: High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove

High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove, former Intel Chairman and CEO, describes how to build and lead successful companies and teams from a management and leadership perspective.

Understanding the Software Development Life Cycle (SLDC)

SDLC is a process followed by the organization's technology department for a project. It includes seven main phases to create software or hardware. This methodology aims to improve the development process and the quality of the software.

Celonis announces its agreement with ServiceNow after making it with IBM

nis, the process management startup with an eye-popping $11 billion valuation, has announced a new partnership, this time with ServiceNow.

The AI ​​Race: The Big Techs Bets

s AI companies are prime targets for acquisitions by companies, including big tech companies looking to harness AI technology and insights without having to build it from scratch.

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