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Monthly Archives: October, 2021

Steps in the Integration of the OKR Model (1 of 3)

OKR is a simple and easy framework that anyone can structure and optimize for their teams. Once you understand what makes good and bad targets, there is no limit to the number of OKR structures you can create. It is possible to express OKR with affection applications or spreadsheets, but what is important is the process of defining each one of them.

Importance of Data Governance

Data governance is the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity, and security of data in the organization's systems, based on internal data standards and policies that also control data usage.

The environmental and social challenge of the new company (ESG)

The environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG, Environmental, Social & Governance) aspects are an evaluation of the collective awareness of a company regarding the social and environmental factors that can or should have an impact, either due to personal motivation or needs. regulatory.

Low Code Application Platform (LCAP) capabilities

The demand for productivity, efficiency and effectiveness is increasing and with it the adoption of low-code or low-code application platforms (LCAPs). This trend is seen in centralized IT departments, platforms run by business users, and even systems used by customers on a personal day-to-day basis.

What is an OKR?

OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a robust framework used by companies to plan, track and measure progress. When looking to set goals and key results for your teams, the OKR structure is one of the best frameworks to use.

Principles for Strategy Execution

Closing the gap between strategy and execution remains a challenge. It must be taken into account that a series of keys must be produced so that the execution of the strategy has a more efficient and aligned implementation.

Language as a challenge of transformation

professionals, and other forms of grouping of the human being. Unconsciously, language, technicalities, acronyms, slang, words and their combinations between them are used as a personal symbol to identify themselves in the different groups in which people find themselves.

Brief history of OKRs

been reinvented, to meet the management needs of new professionals.

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