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Social Marketing

Monthly Archives: March, 2021

Technologies needed for a Subscription Economy

Subscription commerce requires for its objectives a technology and operational platform to automate and manage the customer journey and customer experience from start to finish.

Course: Roadmap for Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is a trend that has been present for several years in the conversations of companies at all levels. Even so, all managers recognize that, although they have many elements of said transformation implemented, they do not know if they have them all, if they are correct or sufficient.

Collaborative Innovation

The best way to detect and take advantage of Innovation opportunities is through establishing collaboration models with third parties, in an open and transparent manner.

Subscription Economy

Digital companies push the subscription model as their main revenue lever. What are your keys? How to transform the business?

Innovation Model

What are the elements of a good innovation model? What features should it have? How to run it? How does it coexist with the standard business model? ...

Subscription Economy

The most successful digital model is based on subscriptions. The keys are in product design, market needs, processes, technology, differentiation, ...

Effective Project Management

Project management consists, by definition, in achieving an objective, with defined resources in a given time. Regardless of an agile or waterfall methodology, the definition of what is intended when developing...

The key technologies for innovation from people

Employees are an essential resource within the company to generate innovative ideas that boost its competitiveness and help its long-term sustainability. For this, tools are needed that favor the development of their skills.

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