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The key technologies for innovation from people

In a time of continuous change and evolution towards a digital universe, employees have become an essential resource within the company to generate innovative ideas that boost your competitiveness and help your sustainability long-term. In fact, one of the great current concerns of organizations is the talent, its management and retention.

According to the Boston Consulting Group, 78% of companies' innovative ideas come from their staff. This indicates the relevance of designing policies that promote the employee involvement in the development of new projects and initiatives. Thus it is possible to take advantage of the human resource potential as an innovation accelerator.

La address is who should lead the way and lead the change. But the digital transformation it cannot be residing solely in the steering committee. On the contrary, the revolution involves the entire organization. Its success is conditioned by the democratization of the process and strong development of new corporate culture. To survive this change of era, organizations need people who believe in what they do and are committed to a creative and innovative perspective.

What are the four keys to converting to promoting innovation in employees and helping the company achieve its objectives as well as their personal and professional development?


The new way of working as a team requires new collaboration tools. Develop an environment where people can not only organize their documentation in a intuitive, but managing projects collaboratively and proposing new ideas or proposing improvements is essential for all companies.

In addition, corporate social networks are an excellent virtual space where to expose ideas, points of view and proposals that result in important benefits in terms of motivation, productivity and innovation. high levels of relationship and satisfaction of employees with the entity lead to higher levels of innovation.


In such competitive times and with such rapid changes, it is necessary for companies to resort to practices that guarantee creativity. This is a fundamental pillar to be able to develop business ideas that respond to problems and needs from a innovative optics.

Creativity is one of the skills most demanded by companies in the XNUMXst century and will be the lifeline of most companies today. However, many employees spend much of their time and effort on tasks that do not add value to organizations. Automation, task management, integration of technological tools and mobility they increase the skills of employees and provide them with more space for creative thinking.

Technological competence

Always be at the forefront of technology and learn from the tools that facilitate communication and guarantee the efficiency of all processes within companies is essential to become a piece of value in the gear.

A way to improve autonomous of carrying out the learning is through the digital resources and learning communities. But companies must also invest in intuitive technology solutions that allow them to continuously update their skills, something very necessary for current and future jobs according to “The 2020 Workplace”.

Involvement in decision making

Business Intelligence restricted to business users and analysts has become obsolete. All employees, each in their category and function, must be able to take decisions change strategies and find solutions to achieve the objectives of the company.

For this, the information must be present in a coherent, updated and well structured, even if it comes from sources that are not (Big Data). When, in addition, the information is presented in visual, interactive and updated reports in real time, the employee has the possibility to carry out a predictive analysis with them and learn about the clients, products and the market, which supposes a great competitive advantage.

How to summarize the available technological platforms would be:

  1. Collaborative tools
  2. Automation, decommissioning and process simplification
  3. Development of technological skills and abilities of all people
  4. Data analysis and business intelligence

Innovation in companies is not limited to having an R+D+I department, but to provide tools to sustain and develop the new corporate culture that is reactive to changes and enables reinvention through their people.

Companies that put their staff at the center of the organization, to involve and empower her in the transformation, they will tap into their full potential and benefit from the collective intelligence.


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