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HomeDigitalTechnologyTechnological trends to promote Transformation

Technological trends to promote Transformation

Digital transformation brings about the reinvention of business in the digital age: it can refer to any process that uses current digital technology to solve changing business and market requirements. 97% of CIOs are deeply involved in digital transformation initiatives at their organizations.

But, what are the priorities of digital transformation? How do CIOs of leading companies analyze their transformation initiatives? What can new trends teach us about how to thrive in today's uncertain world? Below are 7 keys, which, without being of equal relevance depending on the industry sector, do lead any business and systems plan.

  1. Connecting with the consumer experience. The challenge for organizations is to improve bandwidth to produce connected and personalized experiences for consumers, from customers to partners, employees and developers.
  2. Data-driven business. Unlocking and analyzing data is at the core of digital transformation. Businesses put their data to work to improve the customer experience, streamline operations, and quickly launch new products and services.
  3. Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Organizations are increasingly investing in AI capabilities to speed up and personalize customer service, reduce human bias, and increase productivity. On the other hand, this learning that gives value to artificial intelligence and machine knowledge tools depends on the data they receive.
  4. Multi-cloud computing. Most businesses today run in multi-cloud environments, but managing multiple clouds is complex, particularly when it comes to moving application workloads between cloud environments. API-based application development and containerization are two possible solutions to this problem.
  5. Technology as a business driver. To maximize the full potential of technology, organizations are positioning their technical capabilities and resources as core business enablers.
  6. Co-creation of value with external stakeholders. The best companies are creating a network effect by building collaborative ecosystems of partners, customers, and external stakeholders.
  7. Drive business performance with APIs. Companies leveraging APIs are experiencing increased productivity, revenue growth, and room for innovation, but APIs and components need to be productive and easily reusable to deliver value internally and to external partners.

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