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Quest 2 fitness tracking integrates with Apple Health

The elements quest 2 de Oculus they've managed to carve out a surprisingly sizable niche as high-tech exercise equipment, for people use software like Beat Saber and Supernatural for cardio. However, there have been some limits to the experience, given the standalone nature of the VR headset.

Meta announced that the Oculus Move service has a new integration with Apple Health, as well as a mobile view of health statistics in the Oculus mobile app. Oculus. Previously, health data including active time, calories burned, and goals/progress could only be viewed on the headset.

Meta has earned the benefit of the doubt on privacy issues over the years, which is why they're specifying that exporting fitness data from headphones to the phone or Apple Health app is strictly optional and that this data will not incorporate advertising .

It's a fairly low-key (and long-awaited) update to the headset, but many users will be pleased to finally see their devices integrated.

In the company's most recent Connect keynote, CEO Mark Zuckerberg specifically highlighted the popularity of Quest as a training device.

“Many of you are already using Quest to stay fit, it allows them to exercise in entirely new ways,” Zuckerberg said in the keynote address. "It's like Platoon, but instead of your bike, you just have your VR headset and with it you can do anything from boxing lessons to sword fighting and even dancing."



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