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Monthly Archives: January, 2023

OpenAI attempts for watermarking hit limits

Did a human write that, or ChatGPT? It might be hard to tell, maybe too hard, thinks its creator OpenAI, which is why it's working on a way to "watermark" AI-generated content.

Is the cryptocurrency market healthy? (III)

The transparency of public blockchains creates accountability, but it also means that the world tends to hear a lot about cryptocurrency crashes, hacks and scams, illicit activity, and glitches.

Musk's 'Twitter Files' offer insight into moderation

Twitter's new owner, Elon Musk, is feverishly promoting his “Twitter Files”: curated internal company communications, painstakingly tweeted by sympathetic clerks.

Attract investors with the perfect summary slide

The DocSend team found that more and more successful slides have one thing in common: a really good summary slide. In this article, we'll look at a bunch of great curated examples. Why You Need a Summary Slide As the founder of a startup, your company should be designed to make mistakes as quickly as possible. Basically, a summary slide exists to help the fundraising journey fail quickly, causing the investor to decide not to invest.

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