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Monthly Archives: October, 2021

Great Strengths of New Companies

A business strength is understood as a key competitive advantage that at a given time, or as a key to its mission, vision or values, that distinguishes a company from its competitors. From Amazon or Tesla to Starbucks or Coinbase, as well as the rest of the largest global companies have built and defended their strength

GOLEM #2: The Awakening

In my previous article I mentioned the Golem, the new type of actor that has appeared in our society. He may belong to a bank, a hospital, a telco, an Administration, but above all he is an amalgamation of processes, systems, protocols with which none of us can establish a dialogue.

Purchase financing (BNPL)

re now, pay later" (BNPL, Buy Now, Pay Later), which offer their fully digital services associated at the time of sale are emerging around the world and gaining momentum among investors.

Steps in the Integration of the OKR Model (2 of 3)

OKR is a simple and easy framework that anyone can structure and optimize for their teams. Once you understand what makes good and bad targets, there is no limit to the number of OKR structures you can create.

Payments gets 10M dollars for its initiative

Payments is an intelligence startup founded by execs formerly at Braintree and PayPal that has raised $10 million in funding already in its early stages.

Book: Relationship Marketing

launch of some of the most innovative products in early Silicon Valley, such as the first microprocessor (Intel Corporation), Apple's first personal computer (Apple Computer), the first genetically engineered recombinant DNA product (Genentech, Inc.) and the first computer retail store (The Byte Shop).

GOLEM: rancor against brands (1)

The relationship between brands and users has been radically transformed and the key now is, according to the author, knowing how to use technology to establish the usual: the right relationships, because otherwise we run the risk of generating resentment

Implementation of Hyperautomation

Business-driven hyperautomation refers to an approach where organizations rapidly identify, examine, and automate as many approved technology and business processes through a disciplined approach.

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