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HomeMonetizationThe right partner for the subscription model

The right partner for the subscription model

In situations of uncertainty, as progress toward a more stable state occurs, business leaders need to act not only quickly, but also courageously. Studies of business trends have always noted that "companies that made substantial changes did better coming out of recessions than those that didn't."

Moving to a subscription model can be a bold move that brings with it all the benefits of recurring revenue, new market opportunities and revenue streams, higher company valuation, a differentiated offering, and more.

While some organizations will attempt to develop the necessary capabilities internally, most will choose to implement a subscription commerce platform ready to be exploited both internally and externally by third parties.

For the latter who decide to work with third-party providers, the first step is to have a list of requirements for both the technology and the characteristics of the provider that provides it.

Some of these requirements are as follows:

[otw_shortcode_unordered_list items=”5″ style=”with-icon list-style-10″ item_1_name=”Easy integration with existing proprietary platform.” item_2_name=”Open and agnostic to trends to be prepared for the future.” item_3_name=»Frequent releases and continuous evolution. » item_4_name=”Scalability.” item_5_name=”Flexibility to adapt to business needs.” ][/otw_shortcode_unordered_list]

Requirements that must be transferred to the supplier would be:

[otw_shortcode_unordered_list items=”4″ style=”with-icon list-style-10″ item_1_name=”Global knowledge and experience to reduce risk and speed time to market.” item_2_name=”Notable references from other companies in the sector.” item_3_name=”Professional services that complement and extend in-house expertise and resources.” item_4_name=”Strong security and governance measures to support relevant policies and mandates.” ][/otw_shortcode_unordered_list]


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