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HomeGeneralReferenceBook: Relationship Marketing

Book: Relationship Marketing

Regis Mckenna, a marketing specialist, introduced many of the ideas that are now part of technology marketing standards. He was instrumental in launching some of the most innovative products in early Silicon Valley, such as the first microprocessor (Intel Corporation), Apple's first personal computer (Apple Computer), the first genetically engineered recombinant DNA product (Genentech, Inc. .) and the first computer retail store (The Byte Shop).

Startups he has worked with include America Online, Apple, Compaq, Electronic Arts, Genentech, Intel, Linear Technology, Lotus, Microsoft, National Semiconductor, Silicon Graphics, and 3COM. He has been described as the man who put Silicon Valley on the map. He has been called "the top PR man in Silicon Valley," a "guru," a "legendary salesman," "Apple's marketing guru," "the fellow who put Intel and Apple on the map." , and “a pioneer in the semiconductor business in terms of marketing”. Newsweek called him “Silicon Valley Svengali”[6] and Business Week called him “one of high-tech's ace trend-searchers” and a “Silicon Valley marketing wizard”.

According to a 1985 article in the Los Angeles Times, McKenna is "best known for picking up the story of the founding of Apple Computer in a Los Altos garage by a couple of young entrepreneurs and weaving together the story that forms that is known to all." “McKenna's power comes from the fact that good public relations is crucial to hundreds of small, tech-oriented start-ups,” the Times wrote. Robert Henkel, editor-in-chief of Electronics magazine and a former technology editor for Business Week, told the Times that McKenna was "the best PR in the high-tech business."

His book Relationship Marketing (relationship marketing) was published in 1993. Even after almost 30 years, it is interesting to observe how its principles continue to be successfully applied and are part of the daily life of executives, on many occasions without knowing its originator. On the other hand, in such early times of the internet, your anticipation and vision of the future are inspiring

General ideas

  • The defining characteristic of the new technology is the ability to be customized.
  • The marketing department is the link between the market and the customer.
  • Marketing connects technological features with customer needs.
  • In 1990, more than 23.000 products were introduced in the US; 75% failed.
  • Don't underestimate the customer: Bad customer reactions kill products.
  • Using technology to track cost of sales: 15% to 34% of a company's expenses.
  • To build credibility, use a respected investor or investor, demonstrate strong performance, and build a positive image through word of mouth.
  • Consider markets as living organisms that grow, change and respond to the introduction of new products.
  • As markets become more competitive, more opportunities open up for new entrants.
  • Listen to your customers. Do what they tell you. Form each relationship and then build a network of relationships.


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