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Reddit now allows you to search for comments within a post

Reddit today announced that users can now search for comments within a post on desktop, iOS, and Android. With this latest update, you no longer need to press "Cmd-F" or "Ctrl-F" on a post page, as you can now search for comment threads without having to expand them. According to the company, this function allows you to quickly find the information you are looking for in a specific entry.

Last year, Reddit launched the ability to search for comments across the platform with the addition of a "comments" tab in the search bar, but it was not yet possible to search for comments within a post. Based on user feedback, Reddit is now introducing this new change.

Reddit has made several improvements to its search functionality in recent months. In October, the company introduced text-on-image search, which means users can search for their favorite memes that contain text.

Additionally, Reddit claims that its subreddit search algorithm has been improved to bring up more relevant subreddits for most searches. The platform has also made improvements to the autocomplete feature to make it easier to search for communities without having to type the exact name in the exact order to find relevant results. The company has also made it easy to navigate video search results. When you tap on a video search result, you can now swipe up and down to move from one video result to another on iOS and Android.

The announcement comes as Reddit just launched a new "community mute" feature to give users more control over what they want and don't want to see on the platform. You can use the new feature to mute an entire community, after which posts from that specific community will be removed from your notifications, your Home feed, and your Popular feed.




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