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HomeReading guideDigital Transformation: Plan

Digital Transformation: Plan

Any organization has and has had periodic plans or temporary plans (crisis, globalization, markets,...) that are framed in the different departments with debatable relationships or common threads between said plans: commercial plan, efficiency plan, technology plan and operations, training plans, talent plans, etc.

The Digital Transformation process has significant differences compared to any other plan in three fundamental aspects. The first is that it is led from the general management and has a strategy defined by it, secondly, each initiative included in the plan affects all the people in the organization, customers, society and the market, assuming a disruption in the layout of each of them. Finally and as a third key element, the organization assumes that Digital Transformation is a necessity for survival in the market, not just a set of initiatives.

Apart from these 3 elements there are more fundamental elements that are detailed in the following articles.

  • Transformation vs Evolution

    A transformation produces a profound change in companies. It makes them rethink their revenue model, their business model, their structure, and so on. From a successfully executed transformation process, a new company emerges, evolved and prepared to compete on a new playing field with actors that are governed under different premises from the traditional ones.

  • Definition: What is Digital Transformation

    The maximum use of the Transformation goes through the knowledge and development in the organizations of their capacities, employees, value offer, tolerance to change and sustainability, integration of new digital habits and their social impact to interact effectively and efficiently. with all those involved in the market, society, companies and people.

  • Transformation Dimensions

    Dimensions of the digital transformation plan to be taken into account at the time of design.

  • Motivation to Transform

    The transformation of the business model is conditioned by a series of levers or impulses that require special attention to incorporate them into traditional companies.

  • Initial aspects for the transformation

    Before starting the transformation process, the organization has to make available the necessary basic means and, on the other hand, be aware of the degree of transformation in which it finds itself in order to assume the correctly dimensioned measures to be planned.

  • Factors in the Execution of the Transformation Plan

    Whatever the sector and the aspects that require transformation in an organization, there are at least five constant factors that must be considered in any plan that means transformation and therefore impact on the business model.


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