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HomeDigitalDefinition: What is Digital Transformation

Definition: What is Digital Transformation

La Digital transformation refers to the review of people capabilities, processes, activities and models to align with the new economy until the conversion into a Digital Organization.

The key goes through entender the deep ones cambios that are being produced.

El maximum use of the Transformation It goes through the knowledge and development in organizations of their capabilities, employees, value offer, tolerance to change and sustainability, integration of new digital habits and their social impact to interact effectively and efficiently with all market participants. , society, companies and people.

Although only disruption and technology are key to digital transformation, these two factors are not the only ones.

El human factor is one of the most determining keys at all levels of transformation: collaboration, ecosystems, skills, personal skills in addition to those of their function, culture, empowerment and alignment with the objectives of the organization are some of the characteristics to observe and enhance.

The human being is relational, and does not want "everything digital". Human treatment and understanding of personal needs are valued, therefore there will always be an "offline" element depending on the context. Even so, in these operational and transactional relationships the digital component is a key factor for the empowerment of the interlocutor.

The integration of new technological and management habits must be encouraged, since they have an impact on reality at an individual level:

  • They produce a feeling of obsolescence both on a professional and personal level.
  • Ignorance of digital culture and its language.
  • Reduce the difference between the perception of management, organization and Society.
  • palliate the lack of professional development and inability to generate new value.
  • Promote the knowledge and use Correctness of own solutions apps, improvements, digital services, etc.

The new business models have changed and continue to change with respect to traditional value chains in all sectors:

•The taxi company largest does not own taxis

•The oldest accommodation provider does not have real estate

•The majors telephone companies they don't have infrastructure

•The  major trade of the world has no stock

•The content owner most popular does not create content

•The fastest growing banks they have no real money

•The largest audiovisual broadcaster of the world has no movie theaters

•The music provider most famous does not sell records

•Main software vendors they barely develop apps

Example: Airbnb vs. Marriott

These organizations understand the changes and are capable of leading them. This manifests itself more forcefully in daily management. As an example, you can compare the hotel chain Marriott with airbnb.

In 2014 Marriott announced that in that year it would have 30.000 more rooms. Brian Chesky, CEO of airbnb, immediately launched on twitter the message that they would achieve that goal in 2 weeks.

The most traditional managers use the technique of hiding their heads like ostriches before these new models, arguing that the evidence of the immaturity of these new businesses is manifested in their constant closings. As if closures or absorptions did not occur regardless of the age or size of the companies.

Beyond the fact that these new business models persist, what must be observed is the market's response to a different value offer model, and therefore it is necessary to adapt to this new way of relating to customers, since the risk incurred by the company is not temporary, it lies in its survival.


Socrates - "The Peaceful Warrior" Dan Millman

Following: Transformation Motivations


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