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HomeDigitalCourse: Roadmap for Digital Transformation

Course: Roadmap for Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is a trend that has been present for several years in the conversations of companies at all levels. Even so, all managers recognize that, although they have many elements of said transformation implemented, they do not know if they have them all, if they are correct or sufficient.

The Madrid Chamber of Commerce and launch this 30-hour course that will allow professionals to have:

  • A global vision of the key elements that the entity needs
  • Diagnose the points to extinguish, evolve, enhance or create in the company
  • The metrics that allow the monitoring of the Transformation process

In this course all the elements are shown, as well as the relationship between them so that:

  • Coexist the transformation plan with the current income statement
  • Place all the people of the entity in the process: culture, talent, motivation, personal development, etc.
  • Face the organizational changes and the new roles required in the new business model: big data, APIs, process simplification,
  • All the necessary elements are identified
  • Consider the relationship between them
  • Increase responsiveness to new market trends, industries, society and customers
  • The new business and monetization models are defined by sectors: ecommerce, subscription, affiliations, etc.



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