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Monthly Archives: July, 2022

The startup growth paradox

The value of tech companies has been redesigned by investors, and it seems that some of the speculative enthusiasm that drove startup results in 2020 and 2021 has disappeared.

In the metaverse, responsible AI must be a priority

AI will undoubtedly play a very important role in the metaverse, especially when we communicate with others. While we will be more connected than ever, AI untethered to any government, standard, or code of ethics can have diabolical implications. As former Google CEO Eric Schmidt recently asked, "Who gets to make the rules?"

Google Cloud Launches BigLake: New Cross-Platform Data Storage Engine

At its Cloud Data Summit, Google introduced BigLake, a new data lake storage engine that makes it easier for companies to analyze the data in their data warehouses and data lakes.

Fleet Offers Laptop Hardware Rental vs. Purchase

The French startup Fleet wants to become the best ally of the IT department by managing hardware as a service. Fleet customers can rent computers and smartphones for a fixed monthly price. If there is a hardware issue, the startup handles returns and repairs. Focused on Mass Market Job Search

Online personnel selection processes were one of the first and great successes of the first dotcom boom. But with more and more business processes moving online, job hunting remains an untapped market.

Twitter is working on a tweet edit button

The company confirmed that it is, in fact, working on a way to edit tweets. Twitter started playing with a tweet editing option last year and will test it in Twitter's Blue Labs, a space in the platform's premium subscription product where it tests new features.

ProductsUp helps retailers with eCommerce sales strategies

For many people, e-commerce is synonymous with shopping on Amazon, but the reality is that a retailer has the option to use a set of different channels to sell and market products. A startup called ProductosUp that has created a platform that helps retailers navigate all the options.

Methods to reduce bias in the search and selection of candidates

In recent years, an increasing number of companies have committed to hiring a more diverse workforce and have begun to publish their diversity numbers annually. The results have been varied according to the case.

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