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HomeMonetizationProfitability in e-commerce: four effective techniques to increase sales

Profitability in e-commerce: four effective techniques to increase sales

The last few years have been marked by a positive trend for the online, since there are many users who have been discovering the advantages of making their purchases through websites. For this reason, more and more companies decide to allocate a significant portion of their resources to strengthen their pages and their presence on the Internet.

However, when it comes to monetizing sites online we must take into account the CRO What is the CRO? From English Conversion Rate Optimization, is a field of digital analytics that provides greater profitability to any online business, in other words, improves the conversion rate without changing the amount of traffic the page receives. This index is measured by adding to the amount of traffic received, the highest number of conversions that has been obtained and is equivalent to the highest profitability ratio that can be obtained. 

In the case of a E-commerceif the same level of traffic leads to more conversions, that E-commerce will have more benefits since with the same investment in marketing and production, more transactions will be closed.

However, our consulting team online y offline offers a method based on four points to increase profitability and improve your conversion rate: the Trinity method, quantitative and qualitative research, A/B or multivariate tests and personalization.

In the first place, the Trinity method is based on the analysis of three variables of the conversion funnel and on the improvement of the user experience, making the page an informative, attractive, clear and easy-to-use environment. The first of the variables to take into account is the relevance of the page. It must appear in search engines organically and offer clear descriptions that respond to consumer needs. Just as physical stores are located on busy streets and put up illuminated signs to increase sales, E-commerce They should be easily located.

The second variable is the value, this variable focuses on the why. Why should the consumer choose a E-commerce and not another to make the purchase of a product? The value proposition is an important part of the purchase decision process, and for this reason, the brand must reflect its value proposition well in the environment. online.

FinallyThe variable call-to-action from English, “call to action.” This variable is based on creating a simple, intuitive shopping journey for the consumer that contains the necessary information so that they do not get lost. As in the physical stores with the highest sales, the payment boxes are located in central or visible points of the space and the products are arranged so that the customer sees what he wants and selects it, in the environment onlineIt should also be easy for the user to fill their basket and be able to pay quickly and easily.

In short, the Trinity method seeks to create an environment of trust so that the client wants to repeat.

From question to data

Another interesting method is to be able to carry out constant research quantitative and qualitative through tools such as Google Analytics to have figures that help compose a picture of what happens on the page and the online environment. Knowing how, by how much, and why page visitors drop, or what's behind a drop in product sales is the best way to put insights to use and make data-driven decisions.

From here, different systems can be used to correlate the numerical data with a qualitative assessment, that is, to know the reason for that data. Through different tools, we can carry out research that allows us to obtain knowledge that leads to actions (actionable insight). Some of these data extraction systems are tools such as Hotjar, which allows us to record browsing and those user actions that allow us to identify the problem, other tools are focused on making user tests user interviews.

Both during quantitative and qualitative research, the key is to learn from the analysis that is extracted to act effectively on the elements that will have the most impact in improving the conversion rate.

Once a snapshot of what's happening on the page has been created, there are different ways to calibrate the actions that are taken as a result of learning the data. Through a A/B or multivariate test method tests can be done within the page. The difference between these is that A/B testing, test two different designs of the same page with different groups of users to see which of the two has better performance, while multivariate tests they are used to test different combinations between different variables on a page or different variations for the same variable.

There are many A/B and multivariate testing tools. The most recommended are Dynamic Yield, Optimizely, A/B Tasty and Google Optimize, this is one of the most used tools, but the key is to assess the needs of the page and the data that needs to be obtained.

From data to action

The more metrics are measured in an online environment, the more knowledge, actions, decisions and changes we can choose and adapt to our page. So to know which test method we should use, there is the ice scoreThis index, based on three key items Iimpact, (is a certain action going to represent a significant change in the conversion rate?), Ctrust (does a certain action have a high percentage of probabilities of improving the page?) and Eeffort (is it worth taking certain actions taking into account the change they will represent?).  

Taking these items into account, the tests that best respond to these questions will prepare an index of priorities.

Finally, the method of customization, a discipline within the CRO, which aims to personalize the content of the E-commerce based on incoming and outgoing traffic and the part of the conversion funnel through which it leaves. Tools like Dynamic Yield and A/B Tasty are of great help when it comes to customizing a E-commerce since they allow the use of tools to create audiences and personalized content for each user and, thus, increase conversions.

These are some of the main actions for conversion rate optimization. However, the constant process of searching for numerical data, insights qualitative and the development of precise actions adapting to a changing environment such as the online it is an art.


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