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HomeGeneralMarketingPosition the brand in search engines using social networks

Position the brand in search engines using social networks

The communication and marketing departments maintain and defend the presence of the brand online, and of course in search engines. For this, they always apply the best practices that have an impact on search engine optimization (SEO, Search engine optimization).

Traditional methods, advertising in the press, radio, written press, or articles and news about the brand have a short-term impact that had to be maintained in expensive and long campaigns to affect sales or reputational image. In the same way that it had an impact during the campaigns, those impacts disappeared when the effort and investment in them ceased.

However, in the digital economy, "invisible" tactics and weapons are used that have an impact on quality and sales also in the medium and long term.

For this, there are specific tactics to get the most out of social networks (RRSS).

1 Engaging, interactive and informative content

Whatever the chosen social network or medium Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, blogs, articles, webinars, videos, texts, infographics, etc. they should be of sufficient quality to generate a good effect for both the reader and the search engines.

When the search engine indexes a content, it obtains commercial value in several ways, among which its relevance and importance stand out. Also, engaging content drives a lot of traffic from both conventional search engine and social media search. From reposts, recommendations between user networks and visits to the links of the publication.

2 Activate and participate in online conversations

A key to success in social networks is to create solid and reliable relationships. Quality relationships with the target audience support market knowledge, customer needs and behavior.

Interactive conversations improve SEO significantly by generating relevance while producing value. When you get a large number of followers on social networks, they influence the SEO of the brand or product.

3 Backlinks and quality ratings

Un Backlinks to a particular web page is a link from some other website (the referrer) to that web resource (the referrer). For example it could be another website, another web page or a directory.

Search engines value the number of backlinks a website has as one of the most important factors in determining the ranking, popularity, and importance of that website. According to Google, for its PageRank system, it says "Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote from page A for page B." This form of ranking has fueled a part of the SEO industry called linkspam, which involves placing as many incoming links as possible, regardless of the context of the site of origin, which may not be a good practice if not done with extreme care. attention.

Therefore, backlinks are always important for the ordering of the results with respect to the competition of websites (SERP, Search Engine Results Page).

The quality and quantity of backlinks have a strong effect and influence the ranking of the sites. Therefore, getting good link references from social networks attracts the right kind of backlinks that search engines value.

If in addition, the content is more shared on social networks, it also benefits from the visibility of the right audience, including influencers, users, important webmasters and bloggers who are chasing quality links.

4 Optimize images

Following the refrain of “a picture says a thousand words”, images have significant impact and staying power as they send an explicit tone and message.

Instantly express and illustrate actions, ideas and thoughts in a creative/engaging manner. Its staying power in memory improves, which strengthens and simplifies the message.

5 Images optimized for search engines

An image that is optimized for a search engine must have key search terms, keywords in the archive, correct alt text plus inline text that reinforce SEO positioning.

Social networks by implicitly distributing the images along with the link add an exponential boost to SEO.

6 Attention to metrics in Social Networks

The knowledge and understanding of the metrics that come from social networks, in combination with those of search engines, should be oriented to the results expected by the organization, both current and future.

It is key to ensure a consistent analysis to be aware of successful campaigns or actions and incorrect tactics, producing a correct interpretation of SEO metrics.

7 Videos with high impact online

In social networks, videos have a high value both in terms of user recall and their perceived commitment to the promoter of the video.

A short video summarizes a large amount of text that would otherwise require excessive explanation time.

Videos attract more audience compared to texts.

A properly contextualized and optimized video gets indexed and shared over and over again via social media. This drives organic traffic through various social media channels and improves the visibility of the companies name, brand and image as well as better positioning them.

8 Analysis and projection

Counting on the precision and attraction of these combined practices, figures, videos and images, infographics, etc., it is always necessary to carry out exhaustive and progressive analyzes and projections to know that the expected results are being obtained.

There are multiple tools to obtain the information, interpret it and make the necessary corrections to the communication or marketing plan based on data and not on opinions.

So much information can sometimes produce boredom, or be stressful, to interpret everything. However, analytics improve SEO to deliver the right impact and growth at the right time.


In accordance with these practices, Social Media Marketing (SMM), with the variations of each market and organization, ensuring the appropriate design and time, with the intervals of each campaign and social network, sooner rather than later an important competitive advantage.

Once each competitive advantage is positioned, the competition must make a multiplied effort to be able to unseat the first to reach that position and who must only maintain and adapt the already established practices.



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