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How the Facebook platform persists in the social space

acebook is one of the fastest growing technology companies of all time, largely due to the power of the network it has built.

The competitive advantage of Opentable

based on its ability to attract a critical mass of restaurants and customers to its platform.

Generative AI: Transforming education into a personalized and addictive learning experience

There is a palpable concern that generative AI will become a substitute for authentic learning: something that will help a person pass an exam without needing to absorb and internalize the material.

The chronology you need to know about the AI ​​Chatbot

ChatGPT, OpenAI's text-generating AI chatbot, has taken the world by storm. It is capable of writing essays and code, among other applications, with short text prompts, increasing productivity.
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What you should know about internal developer portals

Helping developers do more in less time has become a priority for organizations.

Is it the end of the BNPL?

When the economy was booming, the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) space thrived. But as inflation and interest rates have risen, consumer-focused players in this space have struggled with increased regulatory defaults and less discretionary spending.

Fintech giants face a big battle

One of the biggest latest news was that Plaid laid off 260 employees, or about 20% of its workforce. This may have come as a surprise to many, but not to all.

What are NFTs

With the creation of Bitcoin, the concept of "trustless" digital scarcity (that is, in which no intermediaries are required) was introduced. Prior to...
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